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Sebastian Ochoa

First public forum: Arboletes...past, present, future.

What if our local community could garner a greater appreciation for itself, where it comes from, and where it's going, all the while building bridges for a better future? this first public forum, organized by Periodico el Mechon and Association Urabá Global Suisse-Colombie, aims to do just that.

A sense of identity has always been one of the pillars of great civilizations, and why not build one here? In our own hometown and region?

This forum aims to bring a greater local consciousness to the minds of those who live in Arboletes and its surrounding regions. In order to that, it's important to recognize where do we come from, where we are, and from there begin to develop our own local ideas of where we want to go.

Overly depending on distant major cities for guidance, is somewhat like depending on long-gone distant relations that barely know or understand your needs, your desires, and your dreams, in order to guide your life.

That is why we desire that everyone from our town and local region gather; thinkers, builders, small business owners, teachers, and local youth, in order to think about what is best for ourselves and actively promote networks and initiatives to do so.

We're happy to announce the participation of great local thinkers, university professors, and true local talent dictating our talks. Among them, Dr. Rogelio Hernández López, in the area of human sciences, and Iván Graciano Mórelo Ruiz, teacher, historian and poet. Not only will they lecture, but there will also be a time to discuss and share ideas among everyone present. We hope this event will foster creativity and greater expectations from ourselves, and that the bridges built can also impact our local governance.

The Forum will be held on July 31st, at Salón Hotel El Crucero, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and will consist of two main sections with breaks during the day accompanied with refreshments. It's important to maintain Bio-safety protocols at all times.

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